Goal II: To empower parents and caregivers, local elected officials commit to prominently displaying MyPlate in all municipally- or county-owned or operated venues that offer or sell food/beverages.
- At least 51% of municipally- or county-owned or operated venues that offer or sell food/beverages prominently display MyPlate, and the Let’s Move! Cities, Towns and Counties (LMCTC) site is registered to be a MyPlate Community Partner.
- At least 75% of municipally- or county-owned or operated venues that offer or sell food/beverages prominently display MyPlate, and the Let’s Move! Cities, Towns and Counties (LMCTC) site is registered to be a MyPlate Community Partner.
- 100% of municipally- or county-owned or operated venues that offer or sell food/beverages prominently display MyPlate, and the Let’s Move! Cities, Towns and Counties (LMCTC) site is registered to be a MyPlate Community Partner.
Municipally- or county-owned or operated venues that offer or sell food/beverages may include vending machines, cafeterias, concession stands, recreation facilities, libraries, police departments or fire stations, public medical facilities/clinics or areas served by food distribution programs.
What is MyPlate?
MyPlate is the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) icon that replaced the food pyramid. MyPlate is a powerful visual reminder to choose healthier foods at meal times, and to make healthier choices among the food groups. It is supported by Dietary Guidelines for Americans messages, with tools and resources available at ChooseMyPlate.gov.
What roles can local elected officials play in prominently displaying MyPlate?
Healthy eating is influenced by access to healthy, safe and affordable foods/beverages, as well as by individuals’ knowledge, attitudes and culture. As a local elected official, you can provide information and tools to support healthy eating. Easy-to-understand nutrition information, like MyPlate, at the point of purchase can help your employees, residents and visitors make healthy food/beverage choices.
Steps to Success:
To achieve this goal, take action by following the steps below.
- Become a MyPlate Community Partner and receive free information and materials about MyPlate. Sign up to become a MyPlate Community Partner.
- Identify all municipally- or county-owned or operated venues that offer or sell food/beverages in your city, town, or county. These venues may include vending machines, cafeterias, concession stands, parks and recreation facilities, libraries, police departments or fire stations, public medical facilities/clinics, or areas served by food distribution programs.
- Download MyPlate posters for all identified venues.
- MyPlate graphic resources and MyPlate printable materials.
- You can also request MyPlate posters from your Let’s Move! Advisor.
- Disseminate MyPlate materials to all municipally- or county-owned or operated venues that offer or sell food/beverages.
- Confirm that MyPlate is prominently displayed.
Consider using the MyPlate Community Toolkit, which is designed to promote community engagement in reversing childhood obesity.
- Report your progress by updating your medal status survey. In order to earn bronze, silver and gold medals when associated benchmarks are reached, you must update your progress using your survey link. Sites received their survey link in their confirmation sign up email, however if it has been misplaced, please send an email to lmctc@nlc.org to request the link.
Goal II Webinar:
A webinar on Goal II was held in January 2013 and demonstrated how local elected officials through LMCTC can prominently display MyPlate in all municipally- or county-owned or operated venues that offer or sell food/beverages. Attendees were provided information on how their community can sign up to be a MyPlate community partner and utilize the free resources available at chooseMyPlate.gov.
The slides from this webinar are available here.
A bronze medal will be earned when at least 51% of municipally- or county-owned or operated venues that offer or sell food/beverages prominently display MyPlate and the LMCTC site is registered to be a MyPlate Community Partner.
A silver medal will be earned when at least 75% of municipally- or county-owned or operated venues that offer or sell food/beverages prominently display MyPlate and the LMCTC site is registered to be a MyPlate Community Partner.
A gold medal will be earned when 100% of municipally- or county-owned or operated venues that offer or sell food/beverages prominently display MyPlate and the LMCTC site is registered to be a MyPlate Community Partner.
Going Beyond Gold
After you have completed all five goals, keep up the momentum by signing up for LMCTC All-Stars, which offers a set of eight advanced strategies for cities, towns and counties to pursue. More information about LMCTC All-Stars is available here.
To access resources to help you succeed in accomplishing this goal, please click here.
Still need help? Contact lmctc@nlc.org to receive additional assistance and connect with expert federal staff.