The National Association of City Transportation Officials’ Urban Bikeway Design Guide, which is part of the Cities for Cycling initiative, provides information on best practice solutions for the creation of complete streets that are safe and enjoyable for bicyclists.
The Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities provides guidelines for how to accommodate bicyclists in a variety of riding environments in order to help cities and counties develop facilities that meet the needs of bicyclists and other road users.
This resource provides guidance on the implementation of best practices for pedestrian and bicyclist road use.
ChangeLab Solutions has created a model bicycle parking ordinance as a guide to increasing the availability and quality of bicycle parking and to help cities and counties become more bicycle-friendly environments.
Getting the Wheels Rolling: A Guide to Using Policy to Create Bicycle Friendly Communities can help cities and counties learn to adopt and implement bicycle-friendly laws and policies.
The Bicycle Friendly Community Program provides guidance on how cities and counties can make their communities more bicycle-friendly in order to improve public health, reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and improve overall quality of life.
The Alliance for Biking and Walking publishes a biennial Benchmarking Report to provide local governments with national, state, and city-level data on bicycling and walking, as well as related data on demographics, safety, funding, infrastructure, education, public health indicators, and economic impacts.
Teachers and recreation professionals can use this Bicycle Safety Curriculum, designed by the Society of Health and Physical Educators, to teach safe bicycling practices to children of all age levels in schools and at recreation centers.
This guide, developed by the Massachusetts Bicycle Coalition, provides information on how to form a bicycle advisory committee in order to improve bicycling conditions.
Bike Law University provides an overview of state traffic laws that can affect bicyclists in an easily accessible and reader-friendly format.
MAP-21 Find It, Fund It! helps cities and counties find federal funding sources for 24 types of projects, including a number of projects geared at helping communities become more bicyclist and pedestrian-friendly.