LMCTC Training Workshop, Nov. 20th in Austin, Texas
In conjunction with our annual conference, the Congress of Cities and Exhibition, the National League of Cities is hosting a free Let’s Move! Cities, Towns and Counties training workshop on November 20th from 9 am – 12 pm in Austin, Texas. This workshop is open to local elected officials and city/county staff members from communities participating in LMCTC.
This workshop will provide breakout opportunities geared toward your level of progress with LMCTC:
- For cities that have not yet started work on the five goals, this session will provide an in-depth orientation to LMCTC, review how to complete your medal status survey and highlight opportunities to share your progress. You will also work with subject matter experts to identify next steps for action when returning home.
- For cities that have already received medals in some goal areas, this session will help you identify your next steps. Subject matter experts will be available to provide support on strategies for completing the five goals and to help identify next steps for action when returning home.
- For top achievers, this session will provide you with an opportunity to share and learn from other high achievers on sustaining momentum and identifying next steps. Subject matter experts will be available to provide assistance on “going beyond gold” in each of the five goal areas.
This training workshop is occurring in conjunction with NLC’s Congress of Cities and Exposition (conference registration information here), an annual gathering of thousands of city leaders from across the country.
To attend the training, please RSVP to Elena Hoffnagle at lmctc@nlc.org as soon as possible but no later than November 7, 2014.